Are we so caught up in our fast tracked life for earning money to relieve our hard-on for materialistic desires that simple, innate fun of being alive, witnessing sunrise, admiring company of each other without saying a single word, seems like a fantasy in some comic book. Earth quake even the tiniest one shapes and reshapes, structure of planet and of people inhabiting it. Just like earth we are also warned with mild shock waves to restructure our life but we just don’t give a shit, until a major quake rips our life apart and by the time we realise it, game over! Don‘t worry, nobody is dead yet, except the little kid inside us who dreamt the impossible dreams. Most of us forget that we were kid once, full of hopes and serenity. Grownups have hopes, but of becoming something or someone. But kids have hopes of being not becoming, that’s the difference. Serenity is innate when we were kids but now we need an orgasm and gallons of alcohol to climb the ladder of serenity, that too momentarily. Embrace the kid inside us, keep him alive. He was there when you took your first step, makes sure he stays when you take your last step, otherwise the whole journey would sum up to... BIG NOTHING!