Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Death of a Poem

A dog with a golden boot
Like a vixen in a shiny suit
Sleeps in a plush blue sheet
But feeds on a rotten root
Baths in a pool of milk
But drinks the piss of freak
Still he is happy as geek
Knowing he will die next week
Wake up you son of bitch
Life is really full of hitch
Tell her you want to ditch
Because she is a sexy witch
Buck up and break the mould
Face it like brave and bold
No matter how weird it sounds
Time is something you can not hold
Make sure you leave the world
At least with a heart of gold.


  1. Hi kapil, I read ur poem & wenevr I'll get time I'll read ur blog. Realy its mesmerising, thankx for giving me such type of reading material. So have fun, And also join my blog okkay!

  2. Hi kapil thanx for posting such a nice poem. I m sure it means something good. Well m trying to understand what u trying to say there.
